
With more sunny days than any other Australian capital city annually, Perth is a magnificent place to enjoy the sun and its generous warmth. However, increased exposure to the sun also has its negative effects, particularly to our eyes. Studies have shown that the sun has a massive part to play in the generation of conditions such as cataracts, lid cancers, ptyergia, and solar retinopathy, making sun protection for our eyes essential.
At Bassendean Optical, we have a wide range of designer sunglasses for you to choose from, so that not only do you have fantastic UV protection, but you can also walk out with latest fashion statements from Police, Nike, Oroton, Hot Buttered, Maui Jim and more.
Furthermore, many of these sunglasses allow for your personalised prescription to be fitted, and we also provide the option of tinting all our clear prescription spectacles, should you require it.
Polarised sunglasses are also available for those seeking reduced eyestrain, glare and reflections, and give greater optical comfort, contrast, and clarity than typical non-polarised sunglasses. These are particularly useful for those who participate in outdoor activities, especially water sports and fishing.
Feel free to come in and try on our sunglasses range, and allow our staff to help find the right sunglasses solution for you!